3D Sculpting Tutorial for LightWave 2018

Quick Tutorial how to start with 3DSculpting tools in LightWave 2018.

1-Create Box with Segments on X,Z (24 Segments)

2-Go to Translate and Select Move tool - Change Falloff to Point Radial


3-Right Click You can change brush size - and Start to Sculpt

4-You can sculpt with other tools - Rotate,Stretch etc.

5-Use Smooth tool (Real-time)

6-Next Step We will create new box with 60 Segments on X and Z

7-Select (Move) tool and Change settings (Falloff-Points Radial)  Mark (Use Texture) and set texture on (Layer Type Procedural Texture)

8-Start Painting 3D Textures

9-Final Tip:

Size tool - working like Push/Pull Brush 
You can use 2D textures and Paint in 3D.

10-Example Works done with Sculpting Tools: